RICHMOND, Va. – The Virginia National Guard is responding after Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam stated that there could be consequences if laws aren’t followed in localities that have recently become Second Amendment sanctuaries.
“If we have constitutional laws on the books and law enforcement officers are not enforcing those laws on the books, then there are going to be some consequences but I’ll cross that bridge if and when we get to it,” said Northam on Thursday when asked about Second Amendment sanctuaries.
Below is the full response from Maj. Gen. Timothy P Williams, the Adjutant General of Virginia:
“We have received multiple questions regarding proposed legislation for the 2020 General Assembly session and the authority of the Governor of Virginia to employ the Virginia National Guard in a law enforcement role. Please make sure you share this message with your all of your personnel.
We understand and respect the passion people feel for the U.S. Constitution and 2nd Amendment rights. We will not speculate about the possible use of the Virginia National Guard. I encourage everyone to be patient while we allow our elected officials to work through the legislative process.
We have not received any requests from the Governor, or anyone on his staff, about serving in a law enforcement role related to any proposed legislation.
I expect our Soldiers, Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force to be professional and respectful in their discussions about this subject. As private citizens, our personnel are free to express their opinions to their elected officials, but they should not engage in any political activity while in a uniformed status.
We will provide regular updates when appropriate during the General Assembly session. Please utilize your chain of command to direct any questions or concerns to my office, and we will do our best to address them.”
This was a CHICKEN S#*T response, it sounds like politics is an issue here for you and your decision. What happened to wright and wrong or for that matter upholding your oath to the U.S Constitution. As far as I am concerned this says that we can not count/depend on you or the government to stand up and do the right thing, we are on our own and that’s ok because we can do it ourselves, but you need to remember this when it’s all over. A more proper response would have that we will not go against our oath to the U.S. Constitution in any way shape or form as this is the basis of our way of life!!!! I am sorry to have to say this because I really do appreciate everything the armed forces do for our freedom but you still have to stand for all things that are right no matter what they are large or small !!!!!!
If Northam calls out the National Guard, can Trump order the guard to stand down?
I don’t believe Gov. Northam fully appreciates the political optics of calling out the VANG against the citizens of Virginia, nor does he fully grasp the political passions he has awakened.
The voters of Virginia will exact a terrible revenge at the polls, and will not take kindly if Gov. Northam moves to manipulate the electoral process in Virginia to maintain their hold on power subverting the will of The People.
I expect there to be Constitutional challenges to these many un-Constitutional laws the Virginia Legislature, drunk with power, is forcing on it’s citizens.